Sunday, August 2, 2009

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Maverick Money Makers

Listen to me, it's time to get out of any financial trouble you're in and begin making more money than you need. It's time you reach out for financial independence. If you don't, and you turn your back on this opportunity now, then how and when are things going to change for the better in your life? Think about it.

Sure, you can keep trying to win the lottery, but I wouldn't couldn't on that. You need something that works, plain and simple. Join my guaranteed program now, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain...

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Mass Article Creator. Really cool

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New Web Site up and running

Got my new web site up today. Still having a time working on flash. If I could get my ictures right in photoshop I think I could get more done here. Stop by my new web site and let me know what you think! Daisy

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well, I had one incident with Google which means I will be moving before the weekend. I will let everyone know where I am going. Too bad, I really though this might work out. I may post from time to time but I have not much to say right now. Will be back on track soon.



Saturday, July 18, 2009

Web hosting, create your own web page(s)!


I have found a nice web hosting site that is easy to use and affordable for what you get. Not only you get your web page, but you can host more than just one. It is a web hosting service for the price of having a single web page. PLus you get a bunch of free tools to create your web page. I created one for my dog in about 30 minutes. That included my own email service. Best thing is there is no limits on transfers, etc.

Before I made my leap into the web, I researched several sites. This site is ranked among the top and it the least expensive. Most site are very competitive. So check this out and see if you like it. If you have a question, send me a note and I will let you know if I can help. I am not affiliated with this company, just a satified user.

Peace, here is the link.
Click Here!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Web hosting that is affordable and easy to use

Hello again. I am writing to tell you about my web hosting server I use. It is by a company called Justhost. It is by far the cheapest I have found for all the services you get. I had my web site up within an hour. This is my first web page, Oh My Crazy Daisy

As you can see, I am not very good at creating web pages. But I am trying my best and learning quickly. They also offer tools and other templates so you don't have to go out and buy an expensive Adobe product (which is a good product).

So if you are looking to get into the web, starting an affiliate program, or wanting to have some fun, check out Justhost

Peace and Love

Monday, July 6, 2009

Net Salaries. Making Money Online.

I have been working on my online busness and have come across an excellent beginners level course that is in straight talk and not a lot of technical terms. The tutorials are pretty basic and easy to understand. This online affiliate training will cover:

What ways a person can make money online,
What's the secret of making money online,
The skills you will need to make money online,
and How to avoid scams.

Click on this link to begin your path to extra income.

You have to start somewhere, get the best chance for success by someone who is in the same situation.

Peace and love


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pee Away! Urine neutralization and prevention

Dogs and cats both bring one annoying tendency, urinating everywhere. Even though I am a bg girl now, I still have issues when it rains. My Human has tried this product and it works really well. It helped me get through the tough times of being a puppy.

This is a recent product I found that actually woks on prevention as well as clearing the air. This product is a must for all new puppy owners. The cost os very reasonable too. Hopefully this will help you too.

To gets some help with your little byundle of joy, come to my web site In the middle of the page there is a link Pee-Away Urine Neutralizer. Click this to take you to the web site.

I use to be able to post links here on the blog, but for some reason it is not available anymore. Very weird! I have a complaint lodged so I can direct you more quuickly. Sorry for Google Inconveneince.

Picking the right pet for your child

Hello, thanks for stopping by. Finding the right pet for a child is very important. Especially when children come in so many ages and maturities. You need to be careful because not only will the pet suffer, the whole family sufers as well.

The product I am supporting today is called "How to pick a pet for my Child". It contains not only the type of pet, but where to get the pet, how to care for a pet, what pets to avoid, and how to get the kids to take care of the pet.

Here s a direct link to my products page where you can click on this link, If this link does not show up, please go to and select the products page. The items is located 3 lines below my cute picture.

There are also more links to other similar pet related products for your reference.

So pick the right pet for your family and you will have a wonderful addition to your family.

Peace and Love


Friday, July 3, 2009

Dog Food not healthy

Hi again! I have been reading about how many commercial dog foods are not healthy for me. Many contain fillers that are actually poison to dogs and other animals. But since humans don't feel ith themselves, they don't understand. Then they wonder why we eat grass until we get sick!! Well I have come across a guy who is really smart about what is in dog food and how to make your pet very healthy and happy. We all want to live a long life, why not give us the best chance possible. If you decide you would like to learn about healthy dog food and healthy recipes for them, check out the book. It is 100% guaranteed!

Hey, I still need you to visit me too. I will be posting my friends pages soon and would like some pictures.

Peace and love!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pay for your food!

Well I never imagined a puppy having to work, but my human said need to pay for my food. So I have added some links to new pet products that might be of interest. In the middle of my web pagbe is links to ads for these products. Decrets to Dog Training, Dog Food Secretsm Healthy Foods for Dogs, and Clicker Training.

The Dog food books are realy good about what us dogs should get. THere are many unhealthy foods on the market. Just like humans, us dogs are subject to the same fillers and chemicals which make us fat and lower our immune system.

The training book/method works well. Puppies like noises. Ths book seems to be pretty good.

Also, please check out my ads on my blog and web pages. If there is something you would prefer to see or have issue with these products, let me know. Daisy is here for her friends.

Peace and love. ;P

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Step Brothers

Hi again. Do you have a brother or sister that is older than you? I mean like really old. My brother Bandit is on the verge of turning into dust and is not a player. I have been working on him for several months now and he just doesn;t like to play. But I am getting the better of him. He tends have a lazy day but I get his ears! Thy are a little more worn since I have arrived! Also, he tucks his tail when I walk by. Not because he is afraid, but I tend to nip a piece off when I get a chance! More to come this weekend!



Monday, June 29, 2009

All about the snack

Do you ever just get tired of the same old snacks? Well, I do like variety but I must confess, I am not that picky. My human gets these little bone snacks which are good, but hardly filling. This is when you get those late night hunger pains and need something quick. LEave it to the humans though to buy those little things. Serves them right! If it means going outside for a fake pee to get an extra treat, it is worth it, even at 3:00 AM.

Snacks lead to one important step in a puppy's life, chewing. Yes I have written about bones and wood, but I have found those Kong toys to be good for me. It needs to be thick but chewy for us big girls. Kind of like our tails. My step brother Bandit, his tail is as stale as he is old. BUt in a pinch, I take about an inch off! It really gets him mad! But hey, what are little sisters good for if not to torment all males!

Peace and love, until next time...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Daisy is branching out

Well, my human was complaining on how much my food costs. He is good and buys me the good stuff. It is expensive though. So I started looking at an online business that might generate at least a little money. It won't make a dog rich but it might buy a bag of food once in a while.

There is this place called Profitlance. Check it out here:

It seems like a good site and the training so far has been good. I will get some products up on my site soon. I want to make sure they are legitimate before I go out on the leash!!

Take care! Will see you soon. Let me know if you have any questions on the Profitlance site. You can send me a note on my web page


Sunday can be slow

Today has been a slow day. I have been trying to nap a lot but my humans keep trying to interupt my dreams. However, I am working on my products pages but it is getting hard. It will take me a day or so to get things moving. I will let you know when it is going.

It is so hot am muggy out. I always like something cool. A girls just keeps warm you know. So it is best I get some sleep. The humans have been talking about aother bath tonight, just because I set in some mud! Yes it was mud! It was near the hole I was digging in the yard. That might feel good after this heat.

Got to go. Have fun! Peace


Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Cold Nose

Have you ever been in an awkward position. I mean, you know by now that humans are stinky, and they must take baths regularly. Well, today my human was coming out of the shower, and like a good pup, I wanted to take a quick sniff. Come on! You know how stinky humans can be. That is why we love them. When they come out of the shower, it is much harder to find the stink. Well I found it. And when I did, my human jumped about 10 feet straight up! I did not realize how my nose was "up his business" as the human said. However, I did not get punished accept for the pong I have been trying to rid all day! Keep it clean pups!
Big wet one! ;P

Midnight snacks

Oh yes, I do like my treats. I have this habit of waking up at 3:00 AM and wanting something bad. I lick my human male face until he gets up and gives me one. He thinks need a pee, but I just fool him. Just remember, sit and look sweet when you trick them. That way you get some extra scrathings behind the ear!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Plastic Sand Toys!

Have you ever had the notion to just start chewing? Well, I find it best to get it over as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is to find some plastic. Wood and carpet work ok, but they take forever. Furniture only makes humans really mad. But plastic sand toys can be hidden for a long time in the yard, and they make the perfect chew. It is best if you find the little humans toys. This also helps the humans maintain less toys to be strewn about the lawn. However they fail to see the logic! Human are so emoitonal! Keep on chewing my pups!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sad day.

Sorry to hear about Farrah and Michael's new today. Wish their families the best. Tomorrow will be a better day to write.

Peace and Love


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6 Month photos up!

Finally I got that lazy humnan to post my 6 month old pictures. I have them on my web site. Let me know if you enjoy them.

got a hold of something spicy tonight. Really has et me on fire! My bottom has been ringing for hours!! I am off to get some more water!

Watch what you eat!

;P Big wet one for ya! Peace!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bath Time!

Hello again!

Well tonight was an experience, let me tell you. It was so scary! My human put me in the tub and poured water all over me! Then he put this stuff on me that smelled like the little humans breakfast. Well... Ok. That was a bit tasty. Not as good as breakfast, but would work in a pinch.

Getting a good rub down is always great, but with water is not so good. My fur was all whacked out and I have been wet for the last two hours! All of the mud I went to the trouble to put in my paws is now gone. Who knows what is next! A High colonic! Help me please!

Ever since I have been just trying to get some rest. You know, after being stressed out, every dog needs a nap. It is hard on a dog you know?

Well you have a good night. I am off to find something stinky to roll in! It has got to be better than some breakfast cereal!

Have a big wet one! ;P Peace!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New leash and a late night

Well hello! My humans have always used the regular lead which I just about choke myself. Last night we went on a walk and I had something new. It was a harness that wrapped around my body. It was a very weird sensation. Not to bad but uncomfortable around my arm pits. I was so worried about a rash, I did not choke myself! That was great!

One of the most annoying things is being thirsty in the middle of the night. Lately I can't seem to get enough water. So instead of waiting until the morning, I wake up my human male. For some reason he is not too pleased with me, but he takes me down stairs. He always think I have to pee but I just need a drink and a snack. Last night my brother Bandit came down with me. He is old and slow. Well, we went back to bed and Bandit decided to pee downstairs. The whole day the human female blamed me. I was crated for a long time. But the human male knew I was a good girl. Now, I did poop on the deck, which was my fault. But hey! Puppies should get a break right?

This story wans't my best but I will have another one tonight. We will have more time. I need to go and chew on some grass.

Have a big wet one! ;P Peace

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rain can ruin the grass!

Have you ever noticed how rain just ruins grass? It makes it all wet and the blades slip between your toes. Now if I were the only dog in the yard, that would be enough. But when sharing the grounds, too often you run into other surprises. The worst part of rain is that it can mislead you. First you think the trail is clear, then the ground gets squishy. But I have an option that my humans don't care for. Well you see, I have been chewing on the deck for a while. And well, the grass has too many hidden dangers. Well, I tend to not go far from the door. It saves me lots of time and I can rush back in quickly. Best part, my paws are just a little wet, nothing else. So take it from me, if the rain ruins the grass, try the poop deck! Peace and love!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Well my humans have been holding out on me. I don't get what they call table scraps. My treats are good but my food is quite boring. The other day, my male human was outdoors cooking on this hot thing. He gave me this wonderful little piece of yellow. I am not sure what it was, but it tasted wonderful. I begged and begged but did not get another bite. Just after the humans ate, they went to watch people in the box. This gave me the opportunity to go exploring. Do you know what? I found the golden treasure. I put my paws on the counter and ate the lot! The human male came in mad saying I ate 1/2 pound of boars head cheese! Funny, I did not taste any pig!! So fellow pups, eat lots of yellow things. If you find the pig kind, let me know. Peace.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Well hello again. Today I wish to discuss one of my most favorite subjects, chewing. Chewing is natural and time should be taken out of every busy day schedule to really get your chew in. My favorite lately has been wood. Wood is a good source of fiber and keeps teeth nice and strong. When you are a puppy, you start out small like TV tray. My human male tried to put this bitter apple stuffon to repel me. But with persistance, you can aquire the taste. In fact, I actually miss the taste of it. It actually tasted more like applewood! Furniture is also a good source, but you half to watch oput for imitations. Press wood or faux style really doesn't do your teeth any good. In fact, it is quite easy to eat this sort. If your humans are cheap, or shop at IKEA, try using a deck. A Deck can be found primarily at the back of a house. It is a good source of chewing and there is plenty to go around. Be careful though, this seems to make human males mad. If you find your human doesn't appreciate your daily mouth maintenance, try peeing on the carpet. This usually gets you into trouble but distracts the humans enough they forget about the wood. Don't forget to look cute and flash your eyes. All humans are suckers at heart. Until next time, peace and great chewing.

Here is a big wet one for you! ;P

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Coming home

I was staying at the County hotel for animals when my humans found me. The female picked me out and the young male was taken by my soft fur and dazzling eyes. We were an instant hit. My humans took me to a place where lots of dogs and cats were buying things. I got a new toy pig to chew on plus extra treats. Now you know what treats do to puppies?

I entered this big house where I immediatly saw my new step brother. He was abit old but I figured he would a lot of fun. More on him later! Everything was great until this thing popped out from under my tail! No one was mad, but it kept happening! I tried to get outside but we had an ice storm and I could not get a grip. So until recently, I just went pee on the deck in front of the door.

I also discovered my jumping ability. Apparently, I was bred for some wild times. I get into everything and have chewed up many of the young humans toys. Oh well, a girl has to do what a girl has to do! My paws are tired plus I need to work on my picture gallery on my web site. Please stop by at

Starting out strong

Hi! My name is Daisy. This is my first quick start to blogging. I am a mixed breed puppy, just about 6 months old. I am a shepherd/ridgeback mix and very cute. You can check out my web site at I am still working on it but it is coming along. We are still working on picture gallery but my male human taking forever. But then again, humans are very slow to respond to our needs.

Over the next few days, I plan to have several updates getting everyone up to speed. I am a busy girl that has a lot of fun to tell you. Hope you enjoy!
