Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daisy is getting put-off by politicians in the U.S.

You know, we work hard, pay too much in taxes, and still the Government of this Country still thinks I am stupid! We all know that Obama made many campaign promises which some have cost people plenty. The votes given by the UAW were paid back by giving them partial ownership of the largest manufacture of automobiles in the World. Now he is paying off the welfare state by saying thanks for free health care which I will see none of it. Also he is re-affirming his commitment to the IRS which is an illegal organization in the first place, by securing them 15K more workers to make sure us tax payers pay enough for coverage. This is really starting to smell like Stalin ism which I truly hate. He has already mandated the idea of giving the Iranian a fair chance to come out from ruin, which we assisted in by supporting and then removing Hussein. Now he sends his left nut, Hillary, to piss off the Jews which we have promised to protect. It seems like the honor of the U.S. is now stained again. The stimulus paid off the bankers and the short-term jobs that were created are almost all gone. Unemployment is on the rise and no end in site.

Now I am not one-sided here. Although I am a libertarian, I did not like Bush. He was far better than Gore or the Ketchup Ladies man, but he did not do much for the Country. 9/11 saw the end to any reforms at that point. then he became obsessive which hurt the people of this Country. Now Mitch McConnell and John Boner, both I have voted for over the years depending on where I live, will happen no more. McConnell has let too much slip by while he sits by watching. the leadship on the right is corrupt and needs to be replaced.

In my opinion, it is time for a huge change in politics in the Country. I call for the voting out of both parties. You know, Obama doesn't really offer anything. He just makes demands of his minions, like Pelosi which is the most evil person in the Country. Lets get out and vote to remove both parties and bring young fresh blood in. If not, I only see a rise in violence. You know, a revolution once in a while is a good thing. I think we are overdue.